Code Jam (Virtual) #1

What a Weekend...

With the first ever Bournemouth Digital CodeJam over what is there to say but... Wow, it's been ace! Thanks to everyone who took part, and a very big thanks to our good friend (great hair) Gernot Liebchen

I was amazed at how talented all the BU Students who took part already are. You're going to be great developers and computer science professionals one day! It was an absolute pleasure meeting you, and I'm sure we'll bump into each other again soon.


The Prizes - Main Categories

Free Range Chickens - Best Collaboration 

Well done to all the members of Free Range Chickens. Dipping in and out of the chat we saw some amazing communication and pair programming using screen shares. With many members all working closely together you certainly achieved a lot - 3 separate API integrations!

Jakub Bebenek - Most Technically Complex 

It was really cool that you were already reading about how to plot the Geo data - which in itself would be a huge undertaking. The challenge though did not seem to deter you, but I think it's understandable that as an individual under time restraints you did not quite achieve all of what you wanted.

So we awarded you this accolade because we loved that you had really big plans that were actually very very technically difficult.

Rebecca Lewis - Most Impressive GUI 

You obviously spent a long time on tweaking the user interface, and it shows. The small pieces of movement add to user engagement, and the use of the library p5js for a particle effect background really made your product standout.

We were really impressed with the extra effort and eye for detail put into this, especially that you were considering mobile views, not just desktop!

Mantas Ruigys - Best Concept

Even though you didn't finish, your idea for creating a heat-map of crime and categories appropriately sounded like it would have a real world purpose. 


Bonus Categories and Additional Mentions

Jakub Bebenk - Best Rick Roll
Made us all giggle

Free Range Chicken - Hidden Pug Award
Very very well hidden

Tamir - Chattiest Jammer
80 messages total and 6 hours 32 minutes of Voice on Discord


Even if you didn't get a mention above thanks so much for joining in! And thanks to everyone who gave us feedback - we're going to carry on doing these and want to make them better. Click here for some of the best bits


Follow us on Instagram, FaceBook and LinkedIn! We'll be sharing a few social posts on with the hashtag #bdcodejam


And lookout for the next one, which will likely be in around 3 months! 


Post by
Daniel Griffiths - Managing Director of Bournemouth Digital

Let's work together

Contact us on 01202 800994 or send an email to [email protected].


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